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智慧農業與漁業雙展 拚經濟顧永續
The fisheries industry is undergoing a transformative shift, prioritizing sustainability and embracing innovative technologies to meet the ever-growing demand for seafood. The International Aquaculture and Fisheries Expo Taiwan (IAFET), scheduled for September 11-13, 2024, in Taipei, Taiwan, stands as a pivotal platform for exploring these exciting developments.
台北,2023年8月30日 - 好食好事基金會將於8月31日至9月2日舉行的「2023臺灣智慧農業週」展會中,匯聚18家台灣食農新創企業,向國際買家與參與者展現台灣農業和食品創新科技的活力。作為亞洲最大的智慧農漁畜解決方案平台展會,「2023臺灣智慧農業週」將吸引來自世界各地的農漁畜專業人士、企業買家和創新者,成為食農新創團隊發表最新技術和產品的絕佳平台。
Last year’s exhibition attracted over 13,000 visitors from 52 countries and gained exposure from over 500 media outlets and the organisers expect over 15,000 visitors this time around.
Join us and be a part to unveil the future of agriculture at 2024 TAIWAN SMART AGRIWEEK. Serving as the Asia-only and Taiwan-largest international B-2-B platform that encompasses all sectors in agriculture, this event is poised to be one of the most anticipated expos in 2024.
The 9th Taiwan Smart Agriweek, organized by My Exhibition Co., LTD, will be held at the TaiNEX 1, 1st Floor, from September 11-13, 2024. The event serves as the Asia-only and the Taiwan-largest international B-2-B platform that encompass all sectors of agriculture in the name of smart, technology and sustainability. The event has five major themes—AgriTech, AgriLivestock, AgriFresh, AgriGreen and International Aquaculture & Fisheries Expo.
國際漁業展邁入第九屆,海大每年都為這個國際展會帶來新的研發進展與引領新的概念。配合今年大會主題「One world, One health」,海大以藍色科技為展覽主軸,將展出超過20 項最新研發科技,同時有 6 間海大產學聯盟的廠商也一起參展,讓國內外廠商可以了解海洋大學在落實產學合作上的成果。