Company Profile

Lin Hsien-Po Tea Garden is located in Songgang, Nantou, Taiwan. The Songgang tea region is near Qingjing Farm, at an altitude of approximately 1800 to 2000 meters. The garden primarily produces high mountain oolong tea made from the Qingxin Oolong. Committed to using environmentally friendly modern agricultural techniques, soil samples are taken after tea leaves are harvested and before the first fertilization. These samples are analyzed to determine the elemental content of the soil, and a proprietary golden ratio of organic liquid fertilizer is applied to improve the soil and create the optimal growing environment for the tea leaves.

Lin Hsien-Po's Education and Experience
- 2013: First Prize in the Qingxin Oolong category at the Alishan Tea Competition
- 2017: Graduated from the department of tea culture and business management at Chiayi Tatung Institute of Technology
- 2017: Passed the intermediate exam for professional tea sensory evaluation
- 2015: Completed elective advanced studies at the Tea and Beverage Research Station , MOA
- 2015: Certified in Level C technician for tea manufacturing technology