新 logo 彈跳廣告_工作區域 1-04

Company Profile

The Spirit of Taiwan – White Eel Farming Artisans
With nearly half a century of aquaculture experience and 40 years of exporting to Japan, we meticulously select high-quality products to offer the safest and freshest gourmet food. We use the finest authentic white eel, free of earthy taste, providing the best flavor, nutrition, and dense, firm texture.

◆Certified Aquaculture Production and Sales History
◆Winner of the Haiyan Aquatic Premium Award
◆Winner of the Rural Good Products Award
◆Winner of the Xianliang Good Products Award
◆Carefully selected and cultivated deep-sea wild varieties
◆Accumulated nearly half a century of meticulous aquaculture experience – using natural probiotic feed
◆Long-term export to Japan – passing numerous rigorous inspections (SGS microbial inspection, traceability, production insurance, TAF, animal drug residue inspection, etc.)
◆Carefully selected the finest and tenderest authentic white eel
◆High nutritional value of white eel surpasses various fish species – one of the fish with the highest quality protein, EPA, and DHA
◆Reduced bone sensation – removal of large bones + manually picking out fine bones

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